Producing Knowledge in the Middle English Mystery Plays. In progress.
Ghostly Manslaughter: Scandal and Medieval Literary Culture. In progress.
Articles and Book Chapters
“Chaucer’s Merchant’s Tale and the Sense of Having.” Exemplaria 35.3 (2023).
With Richard Newhauser and Arthur Russell, Introduction to “Sensology: Thinking with the Senses.” Exemplaria 35.3 (2023).
“It’s Not Ibsen.” Post45 Contemporaries. In “Leaving Hollywoo: Essays after Bojack Horseman.” Forum eds. Jack Belloli and Pamela Thurschwell. November 2020.
Handling Knowledge: Holy Bodies in the Middle English Mystery Plays.” Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. 47.2 (2017), 279-304. (Winner of the Council for European Studies First Article Prize)
Edited Clusters and Colloquia
Book Reviews
Encyclopedia Entries
“The Miller's Tale.” The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 26 May 2021.
“The Cook’s Tale.” Literature Criticism. Forthcoming.